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Lord Chrono in a fighting stance.

Cyrus the knight.

Chrono, Frog and Lucca battle the mighty wizard, Magus.

And now for my pics, ranging from very old to fairly new.
A quick 2 minute picture, done in English when we were supposed to be writing our journals.

Another quick picture.

I think I was tired when I drew this picture, it's all over the place.

This pic is takeing it back old school, way back in 7th grade.

Another classic, this one was in 6th period of 8th grade.

This one had all the ideas in the right place, just never quite got there.

One of my best friends pics, drawn for me in 7th grade, a truly awesome artist.

Art, 8th grade, once again I'm thinking I was tired.

Drawn in art, 9th grade, I can't shade a stupid ball, but I can draw a burning building in the bbackground!

Most of the day in 9th grade, I'm starting to get better, not by much though.

Loki, Angel of Death, I think that pretty much sums it up.
