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FF8 story
First impressions of the world of Final Fantasy 8 give a quiet and tranquil feel, but if one were to look closer, they would find many hidden problems within. Those problems are so severe, many people believe a large scale war is inevitable.
An organization called Garden was created in such surroundings, setting up centers of military authority in different republics, especially where political tensions are high between rival factions, or a renound megalomaniac holds government. Although they are located all around the world, they do not operate under a particular country.

Garden is a private military academy which houses young students, of ages 6-19 and of either gender, to train them into competent soldiers to police areas of tension. The Garden is a place where students can live and train, housing superb facilities such as training centers, lecture theaters, cafeterias, student accommodation and other student needs that you would expect any college to have; There's even a library where students can study arts such as magic and fighting.
The ultimate aim of a Garden Student is to join various armies over the world, but for special students with pure natural talent, an agency called SeeD was set up. Members of SeeD only deal with matters of extreme importance such as guarding government property. Each member of SeeD is talented in a particular field; Squall Leonheart, Zell Dintch and Selphie Tilmitt are all graduates from Garden, and have recently been accepted into SeeD.
There's an area (or country) called Timber where Rinoa lives. Timber was taken over and occupied by Garbadia. Rinoa is a leader in the resistance movement called Owl of Forest. She and Seifer are acquaintances.

Galbadia, a powerful and large republic, invaded their neighboring country Dooru. After seizing a TV tower in Principality Doll, the president of Galbadia, called Deling, declared war on the whole world.
Later, the president held a speech to celebrate his declaration of war, and along side of him was a megalomanic witch who goes by the name of Edea.
With sources indicating that Witch Edea was the one behind everything, Rinoa Heartily, the leader of the resistance to rule in Galbadia, set out to the Republic of Balamb to seek help for her struggling organization. By chance, she arrived at her destination when Squall was celebrating his promotion into SeeD at a ball in the Garden.

The two began to chat and danced for long periods of time. Both now liked each other a great deal, and when Rinoa asked Squall if he could come to Galbadia with his SeeD comrades, and help her assassinate Edea, Squall, desperate to meet Rinoa again in the future, agreed and SeeD was mobilized the next day.
During the night, Squall had a very strange dream. In it, he saw 3 soldiers from the Galbadian Garden, the leader of which was called Laguna Loire with his two comrades Ward Zaback and Kiros Seagul. Quite what this dream signifies is unknown; maybe they are to have a conflict, or they could be SeeD's allies?..

Upon arrival, Squall found that it wasn't as easy as it sounded the night before. Squall's long time rival, Seifer Almasy, from whom he received the scar across his forehead during a training duel, was on Edea's side. He therefore had to take care of Seifer, flanked by his two bodyguards Fuujin and Raijin (Their names mean 'Wind' and 'Thunder' God in Japanese).