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Guides | Guide to School | Guide to Fighting | Darkes Journal | Things not to say/do to Darke | Jimi | Transcript
Darke 991: Ok, for once I'm going to let you into my mentality
Darke 991: This is your one and possibly only shot
(Hidden identity): 4 real?
Darke 991: Yes
Darke 991: Very quickly
****: Ok
Darke 991: Now, take notes
****: Ok
Darke 991: 1) be happy, don't get hurt
Darke 991: Take every thing with a laugh and you don't feel the burn
Darke 991: "I don't want to see you anymore" "Ok, fine with me :-)"
****: k
Darke 991: a potentially hurtful break up turned to smiles
Darke 991: 2) be nice but smart
Darke 991: When your very nice continually people do 2 things, 1) warm up to you, and 2) let down their guard
Darke 991: Both are very useful
Darke 991: If I continually be nice then I can also get information on the person and get a peek into their mind
Darke 991: Ok, did all of that make sense?
****: Yea
Darke 991: Good
****: u know what sucks?
Darke 991: What?
****: u'll never be like that evre again
Darke 991: Nope